RUSSIA Desperate to End Ukraine War as War Economy Destroys Russia, Drone Attacks & $61BN USA Aid

Video Summary

The war in Ukraine has been ongoing for over two years, with no end in sight. Recently, President Putin has expressed interest in a ceasefire, but Ukraine is skeptical of the proposal. A previous ceasefire attempt in April 2022 failed, with Russia’s conditions including keeping the land it invaded, including Crimea. Ukraine wants to retake Crimea and is concerned about the terms of any ceasefire.

Russia’s economy has changed since the war, shifting from a capitalist economy to a self-sustaining war effort, which is not sustainable in the long term. The US has approved a $61 billion aid package to Ukraine, which could strengthen the Ukrainian forces and make it harder for Russia to push forward.

Ukraine’s drones have also been attacking Russian oil and gas facilities, causing significant economic damage. This has accelerated Russia’s interest in a ceasefire, but Ukraine is wary of the terms. The estimated $486 billion in repair costs to put Ukraine back to the state it was in before the war makes Ukraine reluctant to agree to a ceasefire.

The war has been ongoing for over two years, with no end in sight. The US has shown no signs of willing to pressure Ukraine to negotiate a ceasefire. From Ukraine’s perspective, there is no benefit to agreeing to a ceasefire without guarantees of security and protection. Therefore, it is unlikely that a ceasefire will be agreed upon.

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