Video Summary Ukraine may have bagged its first Russian Sukhoi-34 fighter, according to reports from Russian Telegram pages. The incident is said to have taken place near the front line, where a Su-34 was downed while dropping glide bombs, approximately 50 kilometers from the front line. The Russian page claims the pilot did not survive […]
Video Summary Russian airbase attack by Ukraine’s drones confirmed by satellite imagery. On the before images, the base was home to 14 Su-24s and 8 Su-34s, with 7 more Su-34s and several hangers. The attack caused significant damage, with at least three Su-34s destroyed, one Su-24 destroyed, and one Su-24 damaged. The strike was successful, […]
Video Summary Here is a 200-word summary of the article: In the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, a Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber was shot down over the battlefield, with reports suggesting it was brought down by a medium- to long-range system. Additionally, a Russian BM-27 Uragan MLRS system was hit, with its guidance system said to be […]