Ukraine Update | Day 796 ft. @MercadoMedia

Ukraine Update | Day 796 ft. @MercadoMedia

Video Summary Here is a 300-word summary of the conversation between Operator Starsky (aka Starsky) and Andrew Marcado: Starsky and Andrew Marcado, a friend and fellow streamer, caught up on their streaming setup and shared their experiences. Starsky mentioned that he was moving to a new place and was excited to show off his new […]
What the f$%k is wrong with the Pope | Day

What the f$%k is wrong with the Pope | Day 747 ft. @MercadoMedia

Video Summary I recently had a fascinating conversation with my friend and colleague, Andy Marcato, about the Pope’s recent statements on Ukraine. We also touched on the ongoing war in Ukraine, including the use of drones and other military equipment. Andy, an independent journalist and owner of Marcato Media Productions LLC, shared his personal experiences […]
Ukraine Daily Update | Day 643

Ukraine Daily Update | Day 643

Video Summary As I report on the 643rd day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a disturbing incident has occurred. The wife of the chief of Ukrainian military intelligence, Mariana Budanova, was poisoned in an assassination attempt. According to Ukrainian media, she and her bodyguards received dangerous doses of toxic heavy metals, leading to only one […]