Video Summary Ukraine’s military has reportedly downed a Russian bomber, and the incident has sent a clear message to the Russian army: “run, run back to Mother Russia.” This comes as Ukrainian forces have also neutralized three Russian command points on the front lines, further weakening Russian control. Additionally, satellite images have revealed that Russia […]
Video Summary The Camian Bridge in Ukraine has been attacked, with footage showing an attempted attack on its defenses. It’s unclear whether the object is a drone or missile, but one impact has caused fires and damage to the Pan systems, which protect the bridge. The Pan system, comprising a launcher, radar truck, and command […]
Video Summary Despite boasting the world’s second largest military, Russia’s handling of the war in Ukraine has been disastrous, resulting in over 37,000 Russian soldiers killed to date. Many believe the majority of these casualties to be Ukrainian citizens forcibly conscripted from the separatist regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, dubbed “Donbas people of interest” by […]