Video Summary Ukrainian forces are fighting for their country’s freedom and democracy against Russian occupation. To support their efforts, a fundraiser has been launched to purchase innovative drones, known as “Babayaga” and “Needle”, which can carry explosive payloads and are effective against Russian tanks and armored vehicles. These drones are designed to be used in […]
Video Summary A major development in the Ukraine-Russia conflict has occurred as Ukrainian forces have successfully crossed the Depro River and liberated a settlement in the Kherson region. This is significant as the Ukrainian Army has been trying to break through the Russian defenses for a long time. The Russians were caught off guard, and […]
Video Summary Ukraine has released footage showing attacks on Russia’s pontoon crossings near the city of Glukhova. The video shows Russia’s pontoon bridge, which is already constructed, being hit by high-impact cluster munitions, as well as a pontoon under construction and a nearby crane or excavator being hit by a combination of cluster rounds and […]
Video Summary Recently, Ukraine released new videos showing the aftermath of the Russian incursion into Kers. One notable clip shows wreckage of a Car 52 helicopter, which was reportedly hit by a MANPAD at point-blank range. The crash site was geolocated by Mock Lassen on Twitter and found to be close to the border, in […]