Update from Ukraine | Good News! Ukraine hits Ruzzian Airfields hard! Bad news…

Video Summary

Hello, friends. Today, I’m bringing you the latest updates from Ukraine. The good news is that Ukraine has been successfully targeting and hitting Russian military targets, including the Russian airport in Krasnogvardeysk, also known as Kherson, and another military airfield in the Krasnogvardeysk region. This marks the third time that Ukrainian drones have hit this airfield, and Russia is struggling to keep its helicopters there.

We also have news on the Russian So-57 fighter jet, which is unable to fly due to spare part shortages, which are made in Western countries and the sanctions have put Russia out of reach. This is a significant blow to Russia’s aviation capabilities.

Additionally, Ukraine has been targeting and hitting Russian ammunition storage facilities, including one in the region of Bryansk. The Russian military is in dire need of new soldiers, as the Russian Parliament has been forced to find new space for their cemeteries.

We also have news on the recent agreement between Ukraine and Russia, where Ukraine has agreed to negotiate with Russia to exchange occupied territories for security guarantees from NATO.

On the front lines, Ukraine’s army is struggling, with poor communication systems making it difficult to coordinate efforts. Russia has been able to break through Ukrainian defenses in some areas, and Ukraine is in a precarious position. The Russian army is making significant advances, and Ukraine is facing a difficult decision to retreat or continue fighting.

Finally, we have news on the possible Russian attack near the town of Bilovo-Horka, which has been repelled. The situation on the front lines is grave, with Russia slowly but surely gaining ground. Despite this, Ukraine’s military is still capable of inflicting significant damage on Russian forces, and the war is far from over.

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