Does European naval power have a future?
Video Summary
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Jake discusses the challenges faced by European navies in terms of their capabilities and resources. He notes that there is a north-south divide amongst European navies, with larger nations focusing on advanced technologies and smaller nations struggling to keep up. He emphasizes the importance of thinking beyond just ship numbers and considering the need for a balanced fleet that can operate in low-intensity conflicts. He highlights the need for smaller navies to cooperate with each other and with larger navies to pool resources and expertise.
Jake also discusses the importance of investing in land and air capabilities, such as aerial intelligence and autonomous systems. He notes that future military forces will be a blend of manned, semi-manned, and unmanned systems. He concludes that European navies are making progress, but notes that there is still a need for more investment and better coordination. He urges politicians, navies, and the public to understand the need for and benefits of naval forces, and to look to the future. He also expresses optimism about the future of European navies, despite the challenges.